June 13th, 2013

Flamingoes of the Camargue

On our way to Spain, we made a stopover in the Camargue, at the Rhone Delta west of Marseille.
The images below are from two afternoon sessions. Click on a thumbnail to get a larger version of the image.

3 comments to Flamingoes of the Camargue

  • Peter, I was just there! We only stayed at the Park for about an hour but it was great!Love your silhouette!!Did Leslie go with you? She must have loved it!

    • Hi Denise, we went in together one night and it was great. Weather was not favorable at some nights due to rain. My last night there was fab. with stunning sunlight.

  • Nikola

    Hi Pater I don’t know how you photograph such amazing photos? Love all of them.